Haskell bindings for template-heavy C++ code
This post describes a technique for writing Haskell bindings (similar tricks apply to other languages) to template-heavy C++ code when the template instantiations that should be exposed are not statically known. I am going to assume some rudimentary knowledge of C++ templates and the Haskell C FFI.
I originally faced this problem when trying to make the bindings to
ORC JIT in llvm-hs more
flexible, so the examples used in this post will be based on the API
of ORC JIT. However, the solution is not tied to ORC JIT or LLVM and
can be applied when writing bindings to other libraries. The ORC JIT
API is composed of various compile layers which are responsible for
compiling LLVM modules to object files (The examples below call the
method responsible for this compileModule
). There are base layers
which just compile modules directly but more importantly (for this
post), there are layers that wrap other layers and apply some sort of
transformation before passing the modified module to the underlying
layer. Ignoring all the irrelevant details, we can imagine that the
C++-API for this looks as follows:
class Module;
class Object;
// The base layer which compiles a module directly to object code. The details
// of how this is done are irrelevant for this post.
class BaseLayer {
Object *compileModule(Module *module);
// A transform layer which first applies a function transforming the module
// before handing off compilation to the underlying base layer.
template <typename BaseLayerT> class TransformLayer {
TransformLayer(BaseLayerT &baseLayer,
std::function<Module *(Module *)> transform)
: baseLayer(baseLayer), transform(std::move(transform)) {}
Object *compileModule(Module *module) {
Module *transformedModule = transform(module);
return baseLayer.compileModule(transformedModule);
BaseLayerT &baseLayer;
std::function<Module *(Module *)> transform;
Being able to compose layers is great since it gives users a lot of flexibility in how they want to build their JIT. However, it makes providing Haskell bindings for that API tricky. Let’s first consider what Haskell API we would like to end up with. It should expose the same flexibility available in the C++ interface. In particular, users should be able to choose which layers they want to use and how they should be composed. A first attempt at the low-level API might look as follows:
import Foreign.Ptr
data Object
data Module
data BaseLayer
data TransformLayer baseLayer
newBaseLayer :: IO (Ptr BaseLayer)
newTransformLayer :: Ptr a -> FunPtr (Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Module)) -> IO (Ptr (TransformLayer a))
compileModule :: Ptr a -> Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Object)
You might have noticed that we are being to polymorphic here: Users shouldn’t be able to use pointers to arbitrary types to be used as compile layers. We will come back to that later.
Haskell does not support directly interfacing with C++, so we are
going to need to write a C wrapper to the C++ API. But we cannot write
a wrapper for newTransformLayer
. C does not really have a concept of
polymorphism so we can’t write a function that accepts an arbitrary
layer. You might be tempted to just accept a void*
and cast it and
hope for the best but even that will not work since calling the C++
constructor of TransformLayer
requires statically knowing the type
of the base layer. Another non-solution would be to write different
wrappers for newTransformLayer
for each type of base layers since
this contradicts our goal of exposing the full flexibility present in
the C++-API.
Before explaining the solution, let’s step back for a moment and take
a look at the situation at hand: What’s causing problems here is the
fact that C++ templates are a form of static polymorphism and we
cannot expose that via the C API. However, we can expose dynamic
polymorphism, i.e., virtual dispatch. So if LLVM would just have a
base class that TransformLayer
and BaseLayer
inherit from, all would be fine. So since LLVM does not provide this
base class, let’s just write it ourselves!
class CompileLayer {
virtual Object *compileModule(Module *module) = 0;
But BaseLayer
and TransformLayer
do not inherit from this new
class. So we are going to create a new class that wraps an arbitrary
compile layer, inherits from CompileLayer
and hands of the actual
compilation to the wrapped layer.
template <typename T> class CompileLayerT : public CompileLayer {
CompileLayerT(T layer) : layer(std::move(layer)) {}
Object *compileModule(Module *module) override {
return layer.compileModule(module);
T layer;
Now that we have the necessary machinery, we can write the
non-polymorphic C wrappers which we will use via the Haskell C
FFI. These wrappers instantiate the templates only for
. Since we can wrap the other layers in CompileLayerT
and upcast them to CompileLayer
we have not lost any flexibility.
extern "C" {
CompileLayer *newBaseLayer() {
return new CompileLayerT<BaseLayer>(BaseLayer());
CompileLayer *newTransformLayer(CompileLayer *baseLayer,
Module *(*transform)(Module *)) {
return new CompileLayerT<TransformLayer<CompileLayer>>(
TransformLayer<CompileLayer>(*baseLayer, transform));
Object *compileModule(CompileLayer *layer, Module *module) {
return layer->compileModule(module);
Finally, we are ready to get back to the Haskell code. Writing the bindings to the 3 C functions that we just defined is easy.
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
import Foreign.Ptr
data Object
data Module
data CompileLayer
foreign import ccall newBaseLayer ::
IO (Ptr CompileLayer)
foreign import ccall newTransformLayer ::
Ptr CompileLayer -> FunPtr (Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Module)) -> IO (Ptr CompileLayer)
foreign import ccall compileModule ::
Ptr CompileLayer -> Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Object)
However, you have probably noticed that we have lost the separate
types for BaseLayer
and TransformLayer
. This is fine for the FFI
imports but we don’t want to present that API to the user. So we wrap
the above in a nicer Haskell API: We use a typeclass to represent
types which can be converted to a Ptr CompileLayer
and add newtypes
for BaseLayer
and TransformLayer
. TransformLayer
has a phantom
type parameter representing the base layer and our wrapper for
ensures that it is correctly instantiated.
foreign import ccall newBaseLayer ::
IO (Ptr CompileLayer)
foreign import ccall newTransformLayer ::
Ptr CompileLayer -> FunPtr (Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Module)) -> IO (Ptr CompileLayer)
foreign import ccall compileModule ::
Ptr CompileLayer -> Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Object)
newtype BaseLayer = BaseLayer (Ptr CompileLayer)
newtype TransformLayer baseLayer = TransformLayer (Ptr CompileLayer)
class IsCompileLayer l where
getCompileLayer :: l -> Ptr CompileLayer
instance IsCompileLayer BaseLayer where
getCompileLayer (BaseLayer l) = l
instance IsCompileLayer (TransformLayer l) where
getCompileLayer (TransformLayer l) = l
newBaseLayer' :: IO BaseLayer
newBaseLayer' = BaseLayer <$> newBaseLayer
newTransformLayer' :: IsCompileLayer l => l -> FunPtr (Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Module)) -> IO (TransformLayer l)
newTransformLayer' baseLayer transform =
TransformLayer <$> newTransformLayer (getCompileLayer baseLayer) transform
compileModule' :: IsCompileLayer l => l -> Ptr Module -> IO (Ptr Object)
compileModule' layer module' =
compileModule (getCompileLayer layer) module'
I’ve only shown constructors to this API. Usually, you also want to add destructors which free the allocated layers. Otherwise, you are never going to deallocate the memory which leads to a memory leak. Luckily, you can mark the destructor of
and then use the same C wrapper for all layers. -
Turning static polymorphism into dynamic polymorphism does incur a slight performance cost. In this case, this is probably irrelevant but if you are wrapping a template function that wraps “small” types, e.g., a function that accepts different types of integers and performs cheap operations on them it might matter.